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3 Styles for DIY Conservatories

One advantage of getting DIY conservatory for your home is the aesthetic value that it will add to your property. Just like designing your own room, DIY conservatories can also offer you the freedom to choose the design and styles that you prefer. Among the many designs that you can choose from, here are the top 3 styles we have outlined below:

1. Victorian Style Conservatory

The Victorian design is the most classic and elegant design that you can get. It only requires a small space for construction. When you have a small space in your backyard, this design is the best option. This design is also ideal when you want to preserve the beauty of your garden for instance. A small structure such as the Victorian conservatory will not overpower your garden. It is also ideal for small corners that you want to be useful. Add in a Victorian conservatory and you get your goal.

2. Edwardian or Georgian Style Conservatory

While the Victorian can be very functional for small spaces, the Edwardian style on the other hand maximizes room space for several functions. It can be a playroom for the children, a kitchen or a mini gymnasium for your home. It is as elegant and airy as the Victorian style. Its defining characteristic is its square shape and large space. If you have a bigger budget and space, opt for Edwardian style conservatories.

3. Lean To Conservatories

If you are looking for a very versatile and flexible type of style, lean to conservatory is the answer to your needs. It doesn’t limit your space requirements; it can be spacious or it can be space-saving. The only difference it has from the Edwardian style is its roof. The lean to conservatory style can go around corners, can be L-shaped or go along the house’s rear. It is an effective style to make use of oddly-shaped spaces at home.

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