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Which Plants Should You Add To Your Conservatory?

Posted: March 10, 2010

Do you have any idea?  The answer could actually depend on whether your self-build conservatory faces the south and gets lots of heat and light during the day.  Alternatively you will need to look at a whole different selection of plants if your conservatory favours another direction.  So depending on the location you will need to choose the best plants for that situation.

A good bet for any DIY conservatory is a fruit tree.  And if you are thinking of the huge version that needs half the garden to drop its fruit in, you need to scale down a bit!  Miniature fruit trees such as orange trees and lemon trees are available to stand in pots in your conservatory.  You should get perfectly formed oranges and lemons – they will just be a lot smaller than the regular kind.


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

Choosing The Right Type Of Conservatory For You

Posted: March 7, 2010

If you have only just begun to think about choosing a new DIY conservatory, you might be surprised to find there are lots of decisions to be made.  Firstly there is the basic size and shape to think about and then you need to consider how you will finish it off.

But the first consideration is of course the plot you have available.  How much room do you have for a DIY conservatory and where will you position it?


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

Ideal Furniture For Your Conservatory

Posted: March 4, 2010

Once your new self-build conservatory is finished, you then have the task of furnishing it.  This will be made easier if you think about how you want to use the room first.

For example, will you be primarily using it as a dining room?  If so, a table and chairs will be the most important item to add.  If this is the case make sure you measure up properly to see what size table would fit in.  Consider the amount of space needed for the chairs too though – it is easy to think about the table and forget that the chairs need to be pushed back for people to get into them.


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

What Are The Best Plants For A Conservatory?

Posted: March 1, 2010

Would you know the answer?  In truth the answer can depend on the nature of your DIY conservatory.  For example if yours is south facing you will get plenty of sun – and that doesn’t appeal to some plants.  Conversely if your DIY conservatory faces in another direction you will have a whole new selection of plants to consider that will thrive much better under those different conditions.

One type of plant that tends to like a self-build conservatory is the fruit tree.  Now you might imagine this to be a big tree that requires a garden to flourish in, but this isn’t always the case.  You can buy miniature fruit trees that look and smell wonderful in a conservatory.  Orange and lemon trees are both very popular because of the fresh citrus smell they give off.  And they are just the right size to sit in a fancy pot on the floor.


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

Planning For Plants In Your Conservatory

Posted: February 26, 2010

One of the best things about having a self-build conservatory is the fact that you are near to your garden all year round.  Regardless of what the weather is doing you can watch what is happening and see your plants and shrubs developing as the year presses on.

But there is also the prospect of being able to grow plants inside your self-build conservatory as well.  While not all plants enjoy the unusual conditions this room presents, some will positively thrive in them.  The trick is to plan ahead and make sure you know what you want to have and where you want to have it.


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

Ten Great Plants To Liven Up Your Conservatory In Winter

Posted: February 23, 2010

One of the best parts of the summer months is the ability to grow lots of vibrant and lively plants in the garden and indoors.

But just because the winter months roll around, it doesn’t mean you have to go without seeing a grand display.  In fact you can move it indoors and make the most of the surroundings in your DIY conservatory instead.


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

Winter Gardening – What To Plant And When

Posted: February 20, 2010

Come the spring, we’re all eager to get out into the garden and plant those first few shrubs and flowers that will come to fruition during the summer.

But what do we do during the winter months?  Do we ignore the garden altogether and wait for next spring to get underway again?


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

How To Keep The Children Busy This Winter

Posted: February 17, 2010

The summer months are wonderful when you have children.  You can fling open the doors to the garden after breakfast and let them run riot in the garden.  There are plenty of outdoor games they can play while you relax in a garden chair or perhaps get on with some chores inside the house.

But winter is a different thing altogether.  How on earth do you keep them entertained when they can’t go outside?


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

Could Better House Prices Make This The Best Time To Build A New Conservatory?

Posted: February 14, 2010

After months of doubt and uncertainty over the state of house prices it finally seems as if they are starting to creep back up in the right direction again.  The recession looks as if it could finally be getting towards the end too, with lots of other countries already out the other side.

And since things are finally looking up again, what better time could there be to think about adding a new DIY conservatory onto your home?  This has plenty of benefits regardless of whether you might actually sell your home at some point in the future or not, so it might pay off for you to consider them.


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory

Starting A Business? Add An Office, Extra Space And Value To Your Home All In One Go

Posted: February 11, 2010

No one would say that starting your own business is easy.  But there are lots of benefits to doing so.  For starters you have full control over what you earn and how much work you do.  And of course you can hopefully do what you really want to do as well, instead of being stuck in a job you don’t like.

Working from home is becoming ever more popular as time goes by too.  You can see the advantages – no more commuting, no money spent on petrol or train tickets each day, and the freedom to figure out your own schedule as well.


Posted in Conservatory Plants DIY Conservatories General Self Build Conservatory Steel Base Conservatory


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